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Parents always strive to give the child the best and create comfortable conditions for its development. Various trainings, groups, and master classes come in handy. At the same time, many families forget that the key to a child’s happiness is a happy family in which harmony and love reign. There are signs by which you can distinguish truly happy families.

1. Warm relations prevail in a happy family

A family in which all members support each other, are worried, and experience happy and sad events together can be called truly happy. It is important that not only parents worry about children, but also that children understand the feelings of mom and dad.

In happy families, there will always be common interests and topics for discussion. Such families do not need to invent leisure activities for a long time, because they are interesting and have fun together.

2. There is no place for lies in a happy family

In a happy marriage, a man and a woman are honest with each other. Lying spoils family relationships, so it is always better to tell the truth, whatever it may be. You should not hide small things, and it is always better to share big problems, rather than keep them a secret and try to solve them yourself.

The child should be taught from a young age that parents should be trusted. Then the baby will share his fears and worries with you. At the same time, it is important for parents to control their emotions, not to neglect children’s feelings, but to calmly discuss with the baby everything that worries him. If the child knows that he will not be yelled at because of a broken glass, dirty clothes or a bad grade, then he will tell you about what he did wrong.

3. In a happy family, everyone can express their emotions

It is often written on forums for parents that you should not scold your child, show him your displeasure or anger. But then how should the baby understand what is good and what is not?

In fact, healthy expression of emotions is normal. Children are much better than adults at recognizing real emotions, but they by their nature do not yet understand why parents hide them. Therefore, learn to show your emotions: laugh when you are happy or frown when you are angry. This will contribute to a better understanding between you and the baby.

4. A happy family plans the future

Disputes cannot be avoided if the spouses have completely different views on how to build their own lives in the future. Happy families share common values and make plans together. They see life in approximately the same way and strive to achieve a common goal.

At the same time, you should not make your own plans for the child’s future. She herself has to decide which profession to choose, which club to attend, etc. Parents can only advise, but not insist.

5. Duties are shared in a happy family

Life is often the cause of quarrels, but not in happy families that know how to distribute responsibilities. In such families, there is no division between women’s and men’s work. In a happy family, all household chores are done together, and not solely on the wife or husband. There is nothing wrong with one member of the family preparing dinner while another does the dishes. Husband and wife are always ready to support each other and help.

The child must also be taught that he should help his parents. But household duties should correspond to the age of the child. First, you need to teach him to collect toys, then to clean the plate after himself and wipe the table after dinner. When the child grows up, he can wash the dishes or clean his own room.

6. In a happy family, everyone has time for themselves

No matter how friendly the family is, sometimes everyone wants to spend time alone: relax, watch a movie or read a book, meet with friends. This is a completely natural desire that should be respected by other family members.

In happy families, a woman and a man understand that they do not need to spend every free minute together. This does not harm their relationship, on the contrary, it makes them stronger and healthier.

7. In a happy family, problems are solved together

Every family has fights and various problems, but truly happy families overcome them together. They do not accumulate grievances and claims and quickly go to reconciliation.

In happy families there is no right and wrong opinion. Decisions are made jointly, and if the views of the spouses do not coincide, then they discuss the situation and find a compromise.

The child should also have the right to vote. This does not mean that the baby will decide for himself whether to put on a hat or not. But he should be able to choose which hat to wear. Then the child will feel his own importance and responsibility for the choice made.